1. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge (2024) - The Movie Database
2024 • 13 episodis La temporada 1 de Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge es va estrenar el 6 n de 2024.
An entertaining revenge drama follows Haibara Shoko, an ordinary high school girl who vows revenge after all of her family and friends are taken from her. Shoko, an ordinary high school girl, became an internet celebrity after she appeared in beauty streamer Tokumichi Hitoshi's video. However, her classmates, who are jealous of her success, lure her into a trap and film her being assaulted. As a result, the video goes viral and is spread across the internet - making her a target of hate. 10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge on them, and Tokumichi, regretful that he could not help in the past, lends her his support as her partner in revenge.
2. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge (2024) - MediUX
Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge (2024). 2024. 1 Season. Returning Series. TMDb logo TVDb logo · Trakt logo. Network. Nippon TV. Genre. Drama. 1 Sets 1 Posters
Explore the world of Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge on Mediux.
3. Finale of deleting (me)chain of revenge Japan Drama - Taicike
As 2024 begins, Haihara Glass (played by Ayara Shida) is alone in a dark room, preparing to end her 25-year life. But at the moment she chooses to hang herself, ...
A heroine with nothing to lose helps her hated rival rise to the top of his life and then... crush him!Haihara Glass (Shida Ayara), who was once an ordinary fem ...
4. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge 2024 - Trakt
Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge 2024 ; Status Returning Series ; Network NTV ; Premiered January 5, 2024 ; Runtime 42m ; Total Runtime 4h 46m (13 episodes) ...
An entertaining revenge drama follows Haibara Shoko, an ordinary high school girl who vows revenge after all of her family and friends are taken from her. Shoko, an ordinary high school girl, became an internet celebrity after she appeared in beauty streamer Tokumichi Hitoshi's video. However, her classmates, who are jealous of her success, lure her into a trap and film her being assaulted. As a result, the video goes viral and is spread across the internet - making her a target of hate. 10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge on them, and Tokumichi, regretful that he could not help in the past, lends her his support as her partner in revenge.
5. That I Cannot Be Erased: A Chain of Revenge - TheTVDB.com
12 dec 2023 · 10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge ...
“卑劣な同級生たちの悪意の連鎖でどん底まで叩き落される主人公”…平凡な女子高生だった灰原硝子は、美容系動画配信者の徳道仁と知り合い、彼の動画に出たことがきっかけで一躍有名人になる。 しかし、そんな硝子の活躍を妬むクラスメイト・海崎藍里の罠にハメられ、硝子は同じくクラスメイトの大桃武に乱暴されてしまう。しかも、あろうことかその動画をクラスメイトの青島みちるによってネットで拡散され、硝子は誹謗中傷の標的になってしまう。自宅住所を特定され、動画を見た野次馬たちが家の周りをうろつくように、さらには不審火により自宅が燃え、父親、母親共に非業の死を遂げる。悪意の連鎖が、硝子から全てを奪い去った。 それでもネットに残り続けるデジタルタトゥー。心の傷を抱えた硝子は祖母の家に引き取られ、廃人のような荒んだ生活を送っていた。10年の月日が経ち、硝子は自ら人生を終わらせる決意をした。その刹那、目に飛び込んできたのはテレビの中継インタビューに笑顔で答える、自分を罠にハメたクラスメイト達の楽しそうな姿。 硝子は復讐するために、立ち上がった…弱者が元いじめっ子達をやり込める勧善懲悪ストーリー!単なる復讐ものでは終わらない、“爽快”リベンジ・エンターテインメント!
6. That I Cannot Be Erased: A Chain of Revenge - TV Time
10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge ...
As a result, the video goes viral and is spread across the internet - making her a target of hate. To make matters worse, after her home address is revealed and her house is set on fire, she loses her parents as a result. Suffering emotional scars, she ended up being taken in by her grandmother, where she lived a rough life. 10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge on them, and Tokumichi, regretful that he could not help in the past, lends her his support as her partner in revenge.
7. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge (2024) - Letterboxd
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An entertaining revenge drama follows Haibara Shoko, an ordinary high school girl who vows revenge after all of her family and friends are taken from her. Shoko, an ordinary high school girl, became an internet celebrity after she appeared in beauty streamer Tokumichi Hitoshi's video. However, her classmates, who are jealous of her success, lure her into a trap and film her being assaulted. As a result, the video goes viral and is spread across the internet - making her a target of hate. 10 years on, just as Shoko is deciding to end her life, she happens to see her former happy classmates on TV. At that moment, she vows instead to take revenge on them, and Tokumichi, regretful that he could not help in the past, lends her his support as her partner in revenge.
8. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge (2024) - TV Show - Moviefone
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Visit the TV show page for 'Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge' on Moviefone. Discover the show's synopsis, cast details, and season information. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and episode reviews. Your guide to this television journey starts here.
9. Deleting [Me] – Chain of Revenge 1x05 "Episode 5" - Trakt
Aired February 2, 2024 7:00 AM on NTV; Runtime 22m; Country Japan; Languages Japanese; Genres Drama; Links IMDB, TMDB,. , Refresh Data, Set Profile Image.
Season 1, Episode 5
10. deleting (me)chain of revenge Episode 1 Plot Summary - TaiciKe
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As 2024 begins, Haihara Glass (played by Ayara Shida) is alone in a dark room, preparing to end her 25-year life. But at the moment she chooses to hang herself, ...